Nevertheless, and as a generality, it can be said that Eastern philosophy,at least as it is represented by the traditions of India, is not so much amatter of abstract analysis as a way of life, a way of life which has at itsheart a deeply spiritual orientation: Hindu philosophy comprises the same areas of rational enquirythat have pre-occupied the philosophers of the West since thetime of Socrates, Plato and A ristotle – namely ontolo gy, epistemology logic, and ethics. download latest version of google

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Nevertheless, and as a generality, it can be said that Eastern philosophy,at least as it is represented by the traditions of India, is not so much amatter of abstract analysis as a way of life, a way of life which has at itsheart a deeply spiritual orientation: Hindu philosophy comprises the same areas of rational enquirythat have pre-occupied the philosophers of the West since thetime of Socrates, Plato and A ristotle – namely ontolo gy, epistemology logic, and ethics. b0d43de27c download latest version of google

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